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26 results German - English substring search »
Um Gottes willen!   -   Oh, Goodness!
Um Gottes willen!   -   For heaven's sake!
von Gottes Gnaden   -   by the grace of God
Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr!   -   Let's hope so, by goodness!
Gottesglaube {m}   -   deism
Kirchhof {m}; Gottesacker {m}   -   graveyard
Gottesdienst {m}   -   service
Gottesfurcht {f}   -   godliness
Gotteslaesterung   -   blasphemy
Gotteslästerung {f}   -   blasphemy
[ Personenname ]   -   Gottesman
Gottesdienst {m}   -   church service
Gottesdienst {m}   -   divine service
Gottesfürchtigkeit {f}   -   piousness
Gottessohn {m}   -   Son of God (rel.)
   |    next 15 »
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -- Edmund Burke
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