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32 results German - English substring search »
gesamtschuldnerisch   -   joint and several
mehrmals; verschiedentlich   -   several times
Jafu : Jagdführer {m} (Luftwaffe)   -   Area Fighter commander, usually covered several JGs
der Mehrfachbezug   -   several social benefits  {pl}
mehrjährig   -   of several years; several years of ...
bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten   -   on several occasions
etliche; mancherlei   -   a number of; quite a few; several
wenn es mehrere Orte gibt   -   if there are several points
gibt es mehrere Bahnhöfe   -   if there are several stations
mehrere Orte zur Auswahl   -   several points to choose from
mehrjährig   -   lasting over several years; stretching over several years
mehrstündig {adj}   -   of several hours; lasting several hours; several hours of
in einer Wohngemeinschaft leben   -   to share a flat with several other people
Im Programm sind mehrere Pausen vorgesehen.   -   The program will include several breaks.
mehrere   -   severally
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He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
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