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255 results German - English substring search »
aus   -   off
ebnen   -   level off
gekappt   -   trimmed, cut, clipped off
sinken   -   fall off
abhaken   -   tick off
ablaufen   -   run off
abzahlen, tilgen, zurückzahlen   -   pay off
einmalig   -   one-off
protzt   -   shows off
Abbrand {m}   -   burn-off
Abbruch, abbrechen   -   break off
abgehauen   -   ran off
abhaken   -   check off
Abnahme {f}   -   take off
abnützen   -   wear off
   |    next 15 »
"Maybe we can get together and show off to each other sometimes."
processing time: 1.003 [sec]

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