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26 results German - English substring search »
positionen   -   positions
Positionen {pl}   -   positions
Schräglagen {pl}   -   sloping positions
Ablagen {pl}   -   depositions
Angebote {pl}   -   propositions
Positionsmarke {f}   -   cursor
Vorschläge {pl}   -   propositions
Widerstände {pl}   -   oppositions
Anordnungen {pl}   -   dispositions
Auferlegungen, Strafarbeiten   -   impositions
Vermutungen {pl}   -   suppositions
Auferlegungen {pl}; Strafarbeiten {pl}   -   impositions
Ausstellungen {pl}   -   expositions
Abneigungen {pl}   -   indispositions
Amtsenthebungen {pl}   -   depositions
   |    next 15 »
"The vast majority of successful major crimes against property are perpetrated by individuals abusing positions of trust." -- Lawrence Dalzell
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