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23 results German - English substring search »
Abschied {m}   -   parting
Trennung {f}   -   parting
Trennlinie {f}   -   parting line
scheitelen   -   make a parting
scheitelt   -   makes a parting
gescheitelt   -   made a parting
scheidend   -   parting; closing
Abschiedskuss {m}   -   parting kiss
scheitelnd   -   making a parting
Abschiedsstunde   -   parting hour
Abschiedstrunk   -   parting drink
Abschiedsworte   -   parting words
Abschiedsbesuch   -   parting visit
Trennschleifmaschine {f}   -   parting-off grinder
ehe sie zahlen, vor der Bezahlung   -   before parting with their money
   |    next 15 »
Don't stop to stomp ants when the elephants are stampeding.
processing time: 0.076 [sec]

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