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82 results German - English substring search »
Aprilscherz   -   april fool hoax
Aprilscherz {m}   -   April fool hoax
der größte Tor   -   the mose fool
ein völliger Narr   -   a born fool
sein Geld vergeuden   -   fool away one's money
vorführen   -   to make someone look like a fool
Du kannst mir nichts vormachen   -   you can't fool me
sich lächerlich machen   -   to make a fool of oneself
Hundspetersilie (Aethusa cynapium)   -   fool's parsley
Du kannst mir nichts vormachen.   -   You can't fool me.
jemanden um sein Geld betrügen   -   fool sb out of his money
Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht.   -   There's no fool like an old fool.
Er hat mich zum Narren gehalten.   -   He has made a perfect fool of me.
Er hat sich ein Armutszeugnis ausgestellt.   -   He made a fool of himself.
Quatsch machen   -   to fool around; to get up to nonsense; to do something stupid
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I've known him as a man, as an adolescent and as a child -- sometimes on the same day.
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