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11 results German - English substring search »
Fälle   -   causes
Fälle {f}   -   causes
begründet   -   causes
bewirkt; veranlasst   -   causes
Klagegründe {pl}   -   causes of action
aktuelle Fragen {pl}   -   living causes
Todesursachen {pl}   -   causes of death
Handelssachen {pl}   -   commercial causes
Yersin Pasteurella pestis, Bacterium s. Bac. pestis, Kitasato Bazil.   -   Pasteurella pestis, Yersinia pestis - the bacteria that causes bubonic plague (medical)
oder irgendwelche andere Ursachen   -   or any other causes
die schlimmsten Reibungsursachen   -   the worst causes of friction
The sudden sight of me causes panic in the streets. They have yet to learn -- only the savage fears what he does not understand. -- The Silver Surfer
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