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245 results German - English substring search »
Male, bezeichnet   -   marks
Male {pl}   -   marks
männlich   -   male
Stecker {m}   -   male
Zygote, befruchtete Eizelle   -   zygote, fertilized ovum, the cell resulting from the union of a male and a female gamete (medical)
Männchen {n} (zoologisch)   -   male
Rüde {m}   -   male dog
Kater {m}   -   male-cat
Wurmfarn, gemeiner (Dryopteris filix-mas)   -   male fern
Krankenpfleger {m}   -   male nurse
männliche Bevölkerung   -   male population
- : "Chauvi", "Chauvischwein"   -   MCP : male chauvinist pig
Stiftleiste {f}   -   male multipoint connector
Außengewinde {n}   -   external thread; male thread
Aussengewinde   -   external thread; male thread
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