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12 results German - English substring search »
Schokolade {f}   -   chocolate
Schokoriegel {m}   -   chocolate bar, candy bar
heiße Schokolade {f}   -   hot chocolate
Schokoladentafel {f}   -   chocolate bar
Blockschokolade, Kochschokolade {f}   -   cooking chocolate
Mohrenkopf {m}   -   chocolate marshmallow
Schokoladeglasur {f}   -   chocolate icing
eine Tafel Schokolade   -   a bar of chocolate
Mohrenkopf {m}   -   small chocolate-covered cream cake
Kuvertüre {f}   -   (chocolate) coating
Naschereien {pl}   -   sweets; sweets and chocolates; candy [Am.]; sweets and biscuits
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte {f}   -   Black Forest cake (chocolate layer cake with cherries and whipped cream)
Basic Definitions of Science: If it's green or wiggles, it's biology. If it stinks, it's chemistry. If it doesn't work, it's physics.
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