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13 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Serotyp - serotype, serological type (in immunology) the genotype of a unicellular organism (medical)
  Kommensale, Mitesser - commensal, micro-organism (medical)  
Biosynthese - biosynthesis, formation of a chemical by a living organism (medical)  
Anaphylaxie - anaphylaxis- a system or treatment that leads to damaging effects on the organism (medical)  
Motilität {f} (Beweglichkeit bei Mikroorganismen) - motility
Organismus {m} - organism  
Organismen {pl} - organisms
  Homöostase {f} (Selbstregulation eines Organismus; Gleichgewicht der Lebensfunktionen) - homeostasis
  antimikrobiell, mikrobenhemmend - antimicrobial, to kill microorganisms (medical)  
Mikroorganismus {m} - microorganism  
  Mikroorganismen {pl} - microorganisms  
  gegenüber dem eigenen Organismus immun - autoimmune (medical)  
  virulenter Stamm - virulent strain (of an infectious organism) (medical)  
He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough. -- Lao Tsu

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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