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408 results German - English substring search »
Art   -   kind
art   -   kind
Art   -   wise
Art, Art und Weise   -   kind
Art, Gattung, Sortierung   -   sort
Art, Sorte   -   kind
Weg {m}; Straße {f}; Strecke {f}; Art und Weise {f}   -   way
Art {f}   -   fits
Art {f}; Gattung {f}; Sortierung {f}   -   sort
Art {f}; Sorte {f}   -   kind
Art {f}; Typ {m}   -   type
Art, Sorte, zuechten, Junge haben,sich vermehren   -   breed
Form, Art und Weise   -   mode
Kunst, Kunstgriff, Kuenstlichkeit   -   art
art   -   manner
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The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.
processing time: 1.002 [sec]

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