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35 results German - English substring search »
bald   -   soon
bald; früh   -   soon
sobald wie   -   as soon as
[ Personenname ]   -   Soon
demnächst; sobald   -   soon
sobald; sowie   -   as soon as
Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn.   -   Long absent, soon forgotten.
Gute Besserung!   -   Get well soon!
sobald als möglich   -   as soon as possible
- : schon sehr bald   -   RSN : real soon now
so bald wie möglich   -   as soon as practicable
- : baldmöglichst, so schnell wie möglich   -   ASAP : as soon as possible
schon an frühen Morgen   -   as soon as the day broke
Er muss bald hier sein.   -   He's due to be here soon.
Sie werden bald gesund sein.   -   You'll soon get well.
   |    next 15 »
There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can't tell the truth without lying. -- Josh Billings
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