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45 results German - English whole word search »
Springflut {f}   -   spring tide
die Sturmflut   -   storm tide
Lenz {m}   -   spring; springtide
Nucleinbase, Nucleinsäurebase   -   nucleic base, nucleotide base, base (medical)
Peptid   -   peptide (medical)
Fastnachtszeit, Fastnacht   -   shrovetide
Watt {n}   -   mud flats; tideland
Weihnachtszeit {f}   -   yule tide
[ Personenname ]   -   Aristide
Fastnachtszeit {f}; Fastnacht {f}   -   shrovetide
Springfluten {pl}   -   spring tides
[ Personenname ]   -   Ifantides
Weihnachtszeiten {pl}   -   yule tides
amines Polypeptid   -   polypeptide, amino acid polymer (medical)
Antidepressivum   -   antidepressant, tranquilizer (medical)
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