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18 results German - English whole word search »
vollständig   -   completely
unvollständig   -   incompletely
unvollständige   -   incompletely
voller Ungereimtheiten   -   completely incongruous
unvollständig unterzeichnet   -   incompletely signed
problemlos {adj}   -   problem-free; (completely) unproblematic
(überhaupt) nicht eingehen auf   -   to ignore (completely);
umkippen; ins Gegenteil umschlagen   -   to switch completely
Ich hatte es gründlich satt.   -   I was completely browned off.
ohne jede Eigeninitiative sein   -   to be completely unresourceful
Er ist ganz in seinem Element.   -   He is completely in his element.
Ihm fehlte der Mut völlig.   -   He was completely lacking in courage.
Ihm fehlte der Mut voellig.   -   He was completely lacking in courage.
durch nichts zu begründen   -   completely unfounded; completely unjustified
haltlos (Mensch)   -   disoriented; (completely) insecure; adrift; floundering
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It's hard not to like a man of many qualities, even if most of them are bad.
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