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22 results German - English whole word search »
Ebene {f}; Niveau {n}; Pegel {n}; Stand {m}; Stufe {f}; Höhe {f}   -   level
Einpegelung, abflachend   -   levelling
Einpegelung {f}; Richten {n}   -   levelling
Lärmpegel {m}   -   noise level
Pegelstand {m}   -   water level
Pegel {m}; Maß {n}   -   gauge; gage [Am.]
Schallpegel {m}   -   sound level
[ Personenname ]   -   Pegelow
Geräuschpegel   -   noise level
Adresspegel {m}   -   address level
Geräuschpegel {m}   -   noise level
Geräuschpegel {m}; Tonstärke {f}   -   level of sound
Raumgeräuschpegel {m}   -   room noise
Adresspegelzähler {m}   -   location counter
Geräuschpegel {m} bei glatter Oberfläche   -   noise on smooth road
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Chism's Law of Completion: The amount of time required to complete a government project is precisely equal to the length of time already spent on it.
processing time: 0.072 [sec]

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