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228 results German - English substring search »
Festkörperschaltkreis {m}   -   solid logic
Boolesche Algebra {f}   -   algebra of logic
Grundfunktion {f}   -   basic logic function
Schaltwerk {n}   -   sequential logic system
Verknüpfungs-Steuerung {f}   -   logic control
Adressdekodierung {f}   -   address decode logic
Grundfunktionsglied {n}   -   basic logic element
Schaltungstechnik {f} (stromziehend)   -   current sinking logic
Schaltungstechnik {f} (stromliefernd)   -   current sourcing logic
- : Rechenwerk {n}   -   ALU : arithmetic logic unit
rechnererzeugter Ablaufplan   -   automated logic diagram
speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung   -   programmable logic controller
speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung {f}   -   programmable logic controller
speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen   -   programmable logic controllers
Logik {f}   -   logics
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Gold's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly.
processing time: 0.538 [sec]

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