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169 results German - English substring search »
Kreditauskunft   -   credit information
Auskünfte {pl}   -   (pieces of) information
Auskunftsplatz {m}   -   information center
Auskunftsschalter   -   information desk
Auskunftsstelle   -   information office
Datenautobahn {f}   -   Information Highway
nachrichtlich   -   for information only
Änderungsangabe {f]   -   change information
Beratungsstelle {f}   -   information centre
Nachricht geben, informieren   -   furnish information
Auskunftspersonal {n}   -   information staff
Information {f} (über)   -   information (on; about)
nähere Auskünfte   -   further information
Beratungsstellen {pl}   -   information centres
eine Information   -   piece of information
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The important thing is not to stop questioning.
processing time: 0.621 [sec]

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