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424 results German - English substring search »
langfristig   -   long-run
Langwelle {f}   -   long wave
Fern...   -   long distance
in kurzem   -   before long
lange   -   for a long time
langfristig   -   long term
langfristig   -   long-term
Langschrift   -   long hand
Langzeit...   -   long-term
unlängst   -   not long ago, a short while ago
weithinaus   -   a long way
Weitsprung {m}   -   long jump
[ Personenname ]   -   Long
langfristig   -   long dated
langfristig   -   long-dated
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Conway's Law: In any organization there will always be one person who knows what is going on. This person must be fired.
processing time: 1.001 [sec]

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