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73 results German - English substring search »
kindereich   -   with many children
kinderreich   -   with many children
Vielseitigkeit {f}   -   many-sidedness
ziemlich oft   -   a good many times
manche; mancher; manches   -   many a
an vielen Stätten   -   in many places
um ein Vielfaches   -   many times over
variantenreich   -   with many variants
vielfach   -   in many cases; frequently
in vieler Hinsicht   -   in many respects
sehr viele   -   a great many; a great deal
zu viele Variablen   -   too many variables
genausoviel   -   just as much; just as many
langjährig   -   for many years; many years of
die vielfache Menge   -   many times the amount
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Perilous to all of us are the devices of an art deeper than we ourselves possess. -- Gandalf the Grey [J.R.R. Tolkien, "Lord of the Rings"]
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