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439 results German - English substring search »
einrenkend   -   putting right
Habe ich recht, ja?   -   I'm right, am I not?
rechtsherum   -   to the right
Rechtsklick {m}   -   right click
auf der Stelle   -   right away
das Grundrecht   -   base right
Jagdrecht {n}   -   shooting right
rechtshändig   -   right handed
rechtshändig   -   right-handed
rechtwinklig   -   right angled
rechtwinklig   -   right-angled
richtiggestellt   -   set right
Stimmrecht {n}   -   right to vote
Asylrecht {n}   -   right of asylum
Eigentum   -   right of property
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Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them. -- Joseph Heller, "Catch-22"
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