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290 results German - English substring search »
Euro {m} (Währung)   -   euro
Fuge {f}; Falz {m}; Sprung {m}   -   seam
hüpfen, Sprung   -   hop
Kost {f}; Verpflegung {f}; Nahrung {f}; Speise {f}   -   fare
Läufe, läuft   -   runs
Riss, Sprung / der   -   crack
Ruck {m}; Sprung {m}; Satz {m}   -   jerk
rund   -   round
Rune {f}   -   rune
Basis {f}; Unterlage {f}; Stützpunkt {m}; Grundzahl {f}   -   base
führen, Führung   -   lead
Grund {m}   -   base
Grund, Ursache, Veranlassung   -   cause
klein   -   runty
Kliff, Felsvorsprung, rauh aber herzlich, Bluff   -   bluff
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The propriety of some persons seems to consist in having improper thoughts about their neighbours. -- F. H. Bradley
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