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49 results German - English substring search »
welche erforderlich sind   -   which he shall have to fulfil
Schnee, welcher {m}   -   soft snow
wer; welcher   -   who
welchen   -   whichsoever
[ Personenname ]   -   Welchel
[ Personenname ]   -   Welcher
Auf welcher Seite, bitte?   -   What page, please?
An welchem Tag?   -   On what day?
innerhalb welcher   -   within which
Aus welchem Grund?   -   For what reason?
irgendwelche Dokumente   -   any documents
beliebig; irgendein; irgendwelche; jede   -   any
In welchem Zusammenhang?   -   In what connection?
In welcher Branche ist?   -   What line are you in?
irgendwelche Bezugnahme   -   any reference whatsoever
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Happiness is just an illusion, filled with sadness and confusion.
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