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231 results German - English substring search »
erwähnenswert   -   worth mentioning
wissenswertere   -   more worth knowing
Vermögensteuer {f}   -   net worth tax (fin.)
Es ist lesenswert.   -   It's worth reading.
Es lohnt sich nicht.   -   It's not worth it.
Hat es sich gelohnt?   -   Was it worth while?
keinen Pfifferling wert   -   not worth a damn
keinen Pfifferling wert   -   not worth a rush
Ein Versuch lohnt sich.   -   It's worth a try.
Es lohnt die Mühe.   -   It's worth the effort.
Hat es sich gelohnt ?   -   Was it worth while?
ist sein Gewicht wert   -   is worth its weight
keinen Pfifferling wert   -   not worth a straw
das Selbstwertgefühl   -   feeling of self-worth
Der Film lohnt sich.   -   The film's worth seeing.
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If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think they'll hate you.
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