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127 results German - English substring search »
Tod {m}   -   death
der Exitus   -   death
Todesfälle {f}   -   death
Asystolie, Herzstillstand   -   asystole, heart attack, often the moment of death asystolie (medical)
erfror   -   froze to death
Liebestod {m}   -   Love Death
Liebestod {m}   -   love-death
Sterberate, Sterbeziffer   -   death rate
Todesstoß {m}   -   death blow
Todestag   -   day of death
Sterbegeld   -   death grant
Totenliste {f}   -   death roll
Totenmaske {f}   -   death mask
erdolcht   -   stabs to death
Todeswunsch {m}   -   death wish
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"For three days after death hair and fingernails continue to grow but phone calls taper off." -- Johnny Carson
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