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41 results German - English substring search »
tue nicht   -   doesn't
tut nicht   -   doesn't
Es bringt nichts ein.   -   It doesn't pay.
Das macht nichts.   -   That doesn't matter.
Das tut man nicht.   -   One doesn't do that.
Papier ist geduldig.   -   Paper doesn't blush.
Das hat keinen Sinn.   -   It doesn't make sense.
Das schadet ja gar nichts.   -   It doesn't matter, you see.
Das heißt nicht viel.   -   That doesn't mean a lot.
Das heisst nicht viel.   -   That doesn't mean a lot.
Das geht Sie nichts an.   -   That doesn't regard you.
Sie gönnt es Dir.   -   She doesn't begruge it to you.
Sie gönnt es Dir.   -   She doesn't begrudge it to you.
so etwas gibt es nicht   -   such a thing doesn't exist
Das bekommt mir nicht.   -   That doesn't agree with me.
   |    next 15 »
"Life sucks, but death doesn't put out at all...." -- Thomas J. Kopp
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