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95 results German - English substring search »
groß, großartig   -   great
Großartig!   -   Great!
Ehrentag {m}   -   great day
Uropa   -   great-granddad, great-grandpa, great-grandfather
bedeutend; groß   -   great
groß; bedeutend   -   great
Bergahorn {m}   -   great maple
Großmacht {f}   -   great power
Großonkel {m}   -   great uncle
Grossmacht   -   great power
Grossonkel   -   great uncle
sehr viele   -   a great many
Staatsaktion {f}   -   great fuss
Wunschtraum {m}   -   great dream
bedeutsamer Tag   -   great day
   |    next 15 »
"The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, `What does woman want?'" -- Sigmund Freud
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