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304 results German - English substring search »
Note {f}   -   note
Anmerkung, notieren, Notiz   -   note
Anmerkung, schriftliche Mitteilung, Zeichen   -   note
Anmerkung {f}   -   note
Anmerkung {f}; Notiz {f}   -   note
Avis, Versandanzeige   -   advice note
beachten   -   to note
Aviso {n}   -   advice note
Leitmotiv {n}   -   key note
Notizbuch {n}   -   note-book
Anmerkung; Notiz   -   note
ganze Note {f}   -   semibreve
Geldschein {m}   -   bank note
Grundgedanke   -   key-note
Misston {m}; Missklang {m}   -   jarring note
   |    next 15 »
"The urge to destroy is also a creative urge." -- Bakunin [ed. note - I would say: The urge to destroy may sometimes be a creative urge.]
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