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32 results German - English substring search »
Arten, Schriftarten   -   types
typen   -   types
Arten {pl}; Schriftarten {pl}   -   types
schreibt   -   types
vertippt   -   types wrong
Lastarten   -   types of load
Felgenausführungen {pl}   -   rim types
Getreidearten {pl}   -   types of grains
Äußerungsformen   -   utterance types
Äquivalenztypen {pl}   -   equivalent types
neue Arten von Dokumentenakkreditiven   -   new types of documentary credits
tippt neu   -   retypes
vertippt   -   mistypes
Setzer {m}   -   typesetter
Erbmassen, Genotypen   -   genotypes
   |    next 15 »
Barth's Distinction: There are two types of people: those who divide people into two types, and those who don't.
processing time: 0.14 [sec]

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