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178 results German - English substring search »
durch   -   through
hindurch   -   through
drangen   -   got through
dringt   -   gets through
blättere   -   skim through
durchgehen   -   go through
blättert   -   skims through
dringen   -   to get through
durch; zu Ende   -   through
durchflog   -   flew through
hierdurch   -   through this
zerbeißt   -   bites through
zerbissest   -   bit through
durchwaten   -   wade through
durchbrach   -   broke through
   |    next 15 »
Fortune finishes the great quotations, #6 "But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?" It's nothing, honey. Go back to sleep.
processing time: 4.489 [sec]

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