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38 results German - English substring search »
schwören, fluchen   -   swear
schwören   -   to swear {swore; sworn}
fluchen (über)   -   to swear {swore; sworn} (at)
Kraftausdruck {m}   -   swear word
Eid schwören   -   swear an oath
Kraftausdrücke {pl}   -   swear words
Kraftausdruecke   -   swear words
auf die Bibel schwören   -   swear on the Bible
jemanden wüst beschimpfen   -   to swear at someone
jemanden vereidigen; den Eid abnehmen   -   to swear {swore; sworn} in
Können Sie das beschwören?   -   Can you swear to that?
Koennen Sie das beschwoeren?   -   Can you swear to that?
jemandem die Treue schwören   -   to swear fidelity to somebody
schwört   -   swears
Fluchen,schwoerend   -   swearing
   |    next 15 »
Grandpa Charnock's Law: You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive. [I thought it was when your kids learned to drive. Ed.]
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