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254 results German - English substring search »
Tinte {f}   -   ink
die Tinte   -   ink
Tusche {f}   -   India ink
Tip, Wink   -   hint
faul, schnutzig, stinkend, garstig   -   foul
rosa   -   pink
Kohle, Steinkohle   -   coal
linke   -   left
links   -   left
Nerz {m}   -   mink
Nicken, Wink   -   nod
Wink {m}   -   beck
Zink {n}   -   zinc
Fink {m}   -   finch
flink   -   alert
   |    next 15 »
Greener's Law: Never argue with a man who buys ink by the barrel.
processing time: 1.001 [sec]

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