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387 results German - English substring search »
kann   -   can
Kanne {f}; Gießgefäß {n}   -   can
können   -   to can
Blechdose   -   tin can
Konservendose {f}   -   can
nicht können   -   can't
Yeti, der   -   sasquatch CAN
[ Personenname ]   -   Can
Abfalleimer   -   trash can
Sprühdose {f}   -   aerosol can
Dosenöffner {m}   -   can opener
Dosenpfand {n}   -   can deposit
Giesskanne   -   watering can
Giesskanne   -   watering-can
D-Bild   -   D-, ~scan, ~display
   |    next 15 »
It is often the case that the man who can't tell a lie thinks he is the best judge of one. -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"
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