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30 results German - English substring search »
aller   -   everything
alles   -   everything
alles andere   -   everything else
alles eingerechnet   -   including everything
Das ist der Gipfel!   -   That beats everything!
wenn alles gut geht   -   if everything goes well
alles ist schiefgegangen   -   everything went wrong
Da hört sich alles auf!   -   That beats everything!
Das schließt alles ein.   -   That covers everything.
alles zu seiner Zeit   -   everything at the proper time
Alles zu seiner Zeit.   -   Everything at the proper time.
Alles hat seine Zeit.   -   There is a time for everything.
alles hat seine Grenzen   -   there is a limit to everything
Heute geht mir alles schief.   -   Everything's going wrong.
alles in seiner Macht zu tun   -   do everything in its power
   |    next 15 »
Its name is Public Opinion. It is held in reverence. It settles everything. Some think it is the voice of God. -- Mark Twain
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