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138 results German - English substring search »
erste   -   first
zunächst   -   first
zuerst   -   at first
Rufname   -   first name
kopfüber   -   head first
Vorname {m}   -   first name
Anfänge {pl}   -   first lines
Anschnitt {m}   -   first cut
Erstling {m}   -   first born
ursprünglich, erst   -   primary, first (medical)
Vorhand   -   first option
Erstdruck   -   first print
Ichform {f}   -   first person
Premiere {f}   -   first night
Vornamen {pl}   -   first names
   |    next 15 »
Kaufman's First Law of Party Physics: Population density is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the keg.
processing time: 0.569 [sec]

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