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11 results German - English substring search »
Beschimpfung {f}   -   insult
Beleidigung {f}   -   insult; slander
beleidigen; beschimpfen   -   to insult
Ehrenkränkung {f}   -   libel; slander; dafamation; insult
beleidigt   -   insults
frech   -   insultingly
Beschimpfungen {pl}   -   insults
beleidigt; beschimpft   -   insults
beschimpfend; frech   -   insulting
beleidigte; beschimpfte   -   insulted
Beamtenbeleidigung {f}   -   libelling an official; insulting an official
Never insult an alligator until you've crossed the river.
processing time: 0.042 [sec]

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