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22 results German - English substring search »
lebt   -   lives
Leben {pl}   -   lives
Leben   -   life [pl lives]
Rette sich, wer kann!   -   Run for your lives!
Drei Menschen kamen ums Leben.   -   Three lives were lost.
Er lebt über seine Verhältnisse.   -   He lives beyond his means.
Er lebt wie Gott in Frankreich.   -   He lives the life of Riley.
Sie wohnt ein Stockwerk unter mir.   -   She lives one floor below me.
Herr Miller lebt als Privatier   -   Mr. Miller lives on a private income
Der Unfall forderte drei Todesopfer.   -   The accident claimed three lives.
Oliven {pl}   -   olives
Vieh {n}   -   livestock
überlebt   -   outlives
erlebt wieder   -   relives
[ Personenname ]   -   Olives
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: Some people have one of those days. I've had one of those lives.
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