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417 results German - English substring search »
Feld, Bereich   -   field
Feld, Gebiet   -   field
Feld {n}   -   field
Feld {n}; Gebiet {n}   -   field
Körper {m} [math.]   -   field
Spielfeld {n}   -   field
Ölfeld {n}   -   oil field
Feld; Gebiet   -   field
Feldbus {m} (firmenspezifisch)   -   field bus
Fernfeld   -   far field
Nahfeld, Fresnel-Zone   -   near field
Schall-, Klangfeld   -   sound field
Einsatzgebiet {n}   -   field
Feldmaus {f}   -   field vole
Kettfeld {n}   -   link field
   |    next 15 »
Sigmund Freud is alleged to have said that in the last analysis the entire field of psychology may reduce to biological electrochemistry.
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