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15 results German - English substring search »
Mann {m}   -   man
neu, Roman   -   novel
Typ, Kerl, Junge, Mann, Mannsbild   -   bloke
art   -   manner
Art, Methode, auftreten, verhalten   -   manner
Gut {n}   -   manor
Mähne   -   mane
Männer, Mannschaft   -   men
viele   -   many
Art {f}; Methode {f}   -   manner
eklig   -   manky
fehlen, mangeln   -   fail
Fehler, Mangel   -   flaw
Frau {f}   -   woman
human   -   human
Tact is the ability to tell a man he has an open mind when he has a hole in his head.
processing time: 4.411 [sec]

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