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57 results German - English substring search »
Zeit {f}   -   hours
Stunden {pl}   -   hours
Kernzeit   -   core hours
stundenlang   -   for hours
jederzeit   -   at all hours
Bürostunden, Geschäftsstunden   -   office hours
nachbörslich   -   after-hours
Arbeitszeit   -   hours of work
Arbeitszeit   -   working hours
Arbeitsstunde   -   working hours
Besuchszeit {f}   -   visiting hours
Dienststunden {pl}   -   office-hours
Ladenstunden   -   shopping hours
Dienststunden, Öffnungsstunden   -   official hours
Öffnungszeiten   -   opening hours
   |    next 15 »
There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more. -- Woody Allen
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