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185 results German - English substring search »
Osten   -   east
Osten, oestlich   -   east
Osten {m}   -   East
Fernost {m}; Ferner Osten   -   Far East
Ost; östlich   -   east
O : Ost(en)   -   E : east
Orient {m}   -   East; Orient
Osten; oestlich   -   east
[ Personenname ]   -   East
ostdeutsch   -   East-German
Ostdeutsche {m,f}   -   East German
Ost-Timur   -   East Timor (tp)
Nahost {m}; Naher Osten   -   (the) Middle East; Near East
im Fernen Osten selbst   -   in the Far East proper
Ostpolitik {f}   -   Ostpolitik; politics toward the East
   |    next 15 »
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