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42 results German - English substring search »
Geleit, begleiten   -   escort
Geleit {n}   -   convoy
Geleit {n}; begleiten   -   escort
Eponym {n}; von einer Person hergeleiteter Name   -   eponym
geleitet   -   piped
Geleite, begleitet   -   escorts
Geleite {pl}   -   escorts
Geleitzug, Geleit   -   convoy
Geleitzug {m}; Geleit {n}   -   convoy
abgeleitet   -   deduced
abgeleitet   -   derived
geleitet   -   conducted
Geleitwort, Vorwort   -   foreword
Geleitzuege   -   convoys
Geleitzüge {pl}   -   convoys
   |    next 15 »
Karl's version of Parkinson's Law: Work expands to exceed the time alloted it.
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