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35 results German - English substring search »
Konstante {f}   -   constant
Konstante {f}   -   absolute term
konstante Kosten   -   constant costs
Konstante erwartet   -   constant expected
Rotations-konstante {f}   -   rotational constant
figurative Konstante (Literale)   -   figurative constant
String-Konstante zu lang   -   string constant exceeds line
Konstante außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs   -   constant out of range
Konstante ausserhalb des zulässigen Bereichs   -   constant out of range
Konstanten {pl}   -   constants
Zeitkonstante {f}   -   time constant
Kraftkonstante {f}   -   force constant
Adresskonstante {f}   -   address constant
Abklingkonstante {f} (Dämpfungs-)   -   damping coefficient
Dielektrizitätskonstante   -   capacitivity
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Perhaps the remembrance of these things will prove a source of future pleasure. -- Virgil
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