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202 results German - English substring search »
Taste {f}   -   bar
Taste {f}   -   key
Knopf, Taste   -   button
Knopf {m}; Taste {f}   -   button
Anstand   -   decorum, good taste
schmecken, Geschmack   -   taste
Geschmack {m}   -   taste
schmecken   -   to taste
verkosten   -   to taste
Shift-Taste {f}; Umschalttaste {f}   -   shift-key
kosten (Essen)   -   to taste
Kostprobe {f}   -   sample; taste
geschmacklos   -   in bad taste
Taste {f}; Taster {m}   -   button; pushbutton
Nachgeschmack {m}   -   after taste
   |    next 15 »
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