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55 results German - English substring search »
Aggregat {n}   -   aggregate
ansammeln   -   aggregate
Aggregate {pl}   -   aggregates
Gesamtmenge, Summe,sich, belaufen auf   -   aggregate
Gesamtsumme   -   aggregate
ansammeln   -   to aggregate
Gesamtmenge {f}; Summe {f}; sich belaufen auf   -   aggregate
aggregieren   -   to aggregate
im Ganzen   -   in the aggregate
der Zuschlagstoff   -   aggregate
Gesamtrisiko {n}   -   aggregate risk
Aggregattafel   -   aggregate table
Gesamtbetrag   -   aggregate amount
Gesamtsaldo {m}   -   aggregate balance
Gesamtangebot {n}   -   aggregate supply
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Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal.
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