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73 results German - English substring search »
Achse   -   Axis
Achse   -   axis
Achse {f} [math.]   -   axis
Achse   -   axis; axle
Halbachse {f}   -   half-axis
Wankachse {f}   -   roll axis
Hauptstrahl   -   beam axis
Nullinie   -   neutral axis
Abszissenachse {f}   -   x-axis
Ordinatenachse {f}   -   y axis
Querachse {f}   -   lateral axis
Drehachse {f} [math.]   -   rotation axis
Abszisse, x-Achse   -   axis of abscissas
Hauptachse {f} [math.]   -   principal axis
Ordinate, y-Achse   -   axis of ordinates
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Every cloud engenders not a storm. -- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"
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