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19 results German - English substring search »
Ballast, mit Ballast beladen   -   ballast
Ballast {m}   -   ballast
Schotter {m}   -   ballast
der Ballast   -   sinker
Ballast   -   dead freight
mit Ballast beladen   -   ballasted
mit Ballast beladen   -   to ballast
mit Ballast beladend   -   ballasting
Belastungswiderstand {m}   -   ballast resistance
zusätzlicher Ballast   -   added ballast weight
Ballaste {pl}   -   ballasts
Ballaststoff {m}   -   fibre
Ballaststoffe {pl}   -   roughage
Ballaststoff {m}   -   fiber (Am.)
Wasserfüllung {f}   -   water ballasting
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...there can be no public or private virtue unless the foundation of action is the practice of truth. -- George Jacob Holyoake
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