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50 results German - English substring search »
Bö {f}   -   blast
Boe   -   blast
Boee   -   blast
die Böe   -   blast
Windstoß {m}; Explosion {f}   -   blast
Düse {f}   -   blast pipe
Explosion {f}; Windstoß {m}   -   blast
der Start   -   blast-off
Heißwind {m}   -   hot blast
Verdammt!   -   Blast it!
Loetlampe   -   blast lamp
Lötlampe {f}   -   blast lamp
explodieren   -   to blast, to blow up, to burst, to detonate, to explode, to go off
Hochofen {m}   -   blast furnace
Oh verdammich!   -   oh blast!
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To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to do.
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