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16 results German - English substring search »
taub   -   deaf
taub, schwerhörig   -   deaf
taubere   -   more deaf
taubste   -   most deaf
stocktaub   -   stone deaf
schwerhörig; taub   -   deaf
taubstumm   -   deaf and dumb
Er hat meinen Rat in den Wind geschlagen.   -   He turned a deaf ear to my advice.
taub   -   deafly
betäubt   -   deafens
betäubte   -   deafened
betäuben   -   to deafen
Taubheit {f}   -   deafness
betäubend   -   deafening
betäubend; ohrenbetäubend   -   deafening
   |    next 15 »
"Catch a wave and you're sitting on top of the world." -- The Beach Boys
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