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61 results German - English substring search »
Bitte, erfreuen, gefallen   -   please
bitte, gefallen   -   please
gefallen   -   fell
gefallen   -   fallen
Gefallen, Neigung, Geschmack   -   liking
gefallen   -   dropped
gefallen   -   tumbled
Wohltat {f}; Gefallen {m}; Vergünstigung {f}   -   benefit
begünstigen, Gunst, Gefallen   -   favour
gefallen   -   to please
Gefallen {m}   -   zestfulness
Gefallen finden an   -   to enjoy
gefallen; erfreuen   -   to please
in Ohnmacht gefallen   -   swooned
   |    next 15 »
Death is only a state of mind. Only it doesn't leave you much time to think about anything else.
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