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263 results German - English substring search »
Hexe {f}   -   hag
Vettel, die   -   hag
altes Weib; Hexe   -   hag
Hagel, hageln   -   hail
hager   -   lean
Hagel {m}   -   hail
hager   -   gaunt
Hexen {pl}   -   hags
Hagel, Salve   -   volley
hagelt   -   hails
zotteln   -   shag
Hagel {m}; Salve {f}   -   volley
zottelt   -   shags
zottig   -   shaggy
Ärger {m}   -   chagrin
   |    next 15 »
Battle, n.: A method of untying with the teeth a political knot that will not yield to the tongue. -- Ambrose Bierce
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